• Simplexer Controllers - 161017

    The Simplexer Controller (010-120-121P) is a plug-in controller for single pump control operation. The controller’s inputs shall be designed to accept either float switches or a conductance level probe input. The Simplexer Controller shall be UL508 Listed, SCADA ready, with modbus protocol, and be able to perform either pump-up or pump down control.

  • Duplexer Controllers (161017)

    The DUPLEXER (010-120-122P) is a low cost SCADA ready, Modbus RTU Protocol plug-in pump controller designed to perform level control for duplex lift station applications. The level inputs of this dual pump controller can be connected to either four float switches or to a conductance probe. This 2 pump controller provides a 10 second power-up start delay, 5 second lag pump delay, and duplex alternation. LEDs provide power on status, level input status, pump call status, and high level alarm status indication. Pump 1 & 2 call and high level alarm relays are provided. HOA and lead select toggle switches are also provided.

  • Intrinsically Safe Duplexer (ISD) Controllers - 161018

    The Intrinsically Safe Duplexer (ISD-P, ISD-D, or ISD-S) is a UL913 low cost SCADA ready intrinsically safe pump controller designed to perform level control for duplex lift station applications.

    The I.S. Float Input Controller comes in one of three options: Surface Mount, Din Rail Mount, or Panel Mount. The I.S. Level Probe Input Controller comes standard with a serial port and has an optional Ethernet port.

    The controller's level inputs may be connected to either five float switches, five single point conductance probes, or five selected points on a ten point conductance probe.

    The level inputs are intrinsically safe and allow maintenance personnel to safely handle the float switches or conductance probes while the unit is in operation.

  • SC100 Station Controllers

    The SC100 controller is a low cost, simple to use simplex or duplex controller for lift station liquid level control. It operates the pumps based on the selected setup parameter values and the 4-20 mA wet well level input signal. The controller has relays for two pump call outputs, and for high and low level alarms outputs. A regulated 24 VDC power supply is provided for powering the pressure transducer circuit. A four digit seven segment red LED display is provided for parameter setup and level display. Red LED’s are provided for pump 1 and 2 call and for high and low level alarm indication. Alternation of the pumps is provided, and a fixed 1-2 or 2-1 sequence may also be selected through the menu. The controller can be setup to perform either pump up control (fill a tank) or pump down control (empty a tank). It also has a fixed 10 second power-up delay, and an adjustable lag pump delay to prevent the turning on of one or both of the pumps immediately after a power interruption. Zero and Span parameters are provided for field calibration of the level input for a wide variety of submersible pressure transducers. The level display is made even more flexible by the addition of a parameter to set the decimal point position, and by a parameter to adjust how fast the level display responds to changes in the level input signal, from very slow to fast. A level simulation feature is provided to test the lift station controls and pump operation.

  • SC1000 Station Controllers - 240725

    The SC1000E Station Controller is a UL 508 panel mount SCADA ready, Modbus RTU Protocol, pump station controller designed to perform level control in a wide range of lift station applications, including Level Pump Down/Pump Up. The SC1000E level controller operates the pumps based on selected setup values and the wet well level signal. The source of the level input signal is menu selectable as either a 4-20 mA transducer or a 10 point conductance probe. The SC1000E alternates the pumps, performs lag pump delays, provides high and low alarms, and has a variety control options available in the setup menu to customize the controller to the application. Connecting the RS-232 serial port (or optional Ethernet Port) to a SCADA system allows the lift station to be monitored and controlled remotely.

  • SC2000 Station Controllers - 240725

    The SC2000E Station Controller is a panel mount SCADA ready, Modbus RTU Protocol, pump controller designed to perform level control in a wide range of lift station applications, including Level Pump Down/Pump Up. The SC2000E level controller operates the pumps based on the selected setup values and the wet well level signal. The level input source is menu selectable for either a 4-20 mA pressure transducer, or a conductance probe. The SC2000E alternates the pumps, performs lag pump delays, and provides high and low level alarms. The SC2000E has a variety of control options available in the setup menu that may be used to customize the controller for a specific application. Optional I/O is available for VFD speed control and for additional telemetry inputs. Connecting the RS-232 serial port (or optional Ethernet Port) to a SCADA system allows the lift station to be monitored and controlled remotely. The SC2000E can be configured as either a single speed control or VFD.

  • SC5000 250213

    The SC5000 is a Six Pump Controller with Five Control Modes capable of performing:

    Level Control

    Flow Control

    Pressure Control

    Booster Discharge Control

    Booster Supply Control

    The five Control Modes are menu selectable and within each Control Mode there are a variety of control options in the setup menu that make the Controller customizable for a large number of applications.

    The SC5000 comes with a door mounted HMI, either a Color Touch Screen HMI or a 5 Digit Numerical LED HMI. The HMI makes the Station Status and Setup Parameters readily available to the operator. Dedicated Communication Ports ENET2 or COM1 are provided for connection to the HMI.

    A din-rail mounted 24VDC Power Supply is also provided with the Controller.

    The Controller alternates the pumps, performs Lag Pump Delays, provides High and Low Level, Flow Rate or Pressure Alarms and many other optional features. It has parameters in the menu that allow the operator to set the Number of Pumps Present, the Maximum Number of Pumps Allowed to Run At the Same Time, and the Maximum Number of Pumps Allowed to Run While On a Generator.

    With up to 6 optional Analog Outputs it can also perform VFD speed control.

    While the SC5000 functions as a stand alone Pump Controller, it is designed to be easily integrated into a SCADA System. Ethernet Port ENET1 (with Modbus/TCP) is provided on all units for connection to a SCADA system. All units come with 30 Discrete Inputs that may be used to collect discrete telemetry. All units come with 12 Output Relays, any of which can be setup to perform remote control functions. Also available are 8 optional Analog Inputs and 3 optional Pulse Type Flow Meter Inputs for the collection of data. Parameter Security can be enabled to protect the Controller Setup and Remote Control Parameters from being remotely tampered with. The Modbus Registers for all Setup, Status and Remote Control Parameters are fully documented in the manual.

    The Controller comes with a USB Host Port for Backup and Restore of Setup Parameters.