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Level Probe Converters

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LPC420 Level Probe Converter

Level Probe Converters

The Level Probe Converter senses liquid level and provides a 4 to 20 mA analog output for use by a pump controller or PLC to control liquid level. The unit monitors the ten electrodes on a Level Probe, and provides an analog signal that is proportional to level. All setup is easily done using the four DIP switches on the unit. The Sensitivity of the unit must be set for the type of liquid being detected. The Analog Output Delay setting provides control over how fast the analog output transitions from one level output value to another. It takes 10 times the Analog Output Delay setting value to go from 4 to 20 mA, when the electrodes are covered quickly. When the electrodes are slowly covered one at a time, the Analog Output Delay is used to ...
MPE LPC420R Level Probe Converters with Relays

Level Probe Converters with Relays

The LPC420R (Level Probe Converter with Relays) shall sense liquid level and provides a 4 to 20 mA analog output for use by a pump controller or PLC to control liquid level. The LPC420 shall monitor the ten electrodes on a conductance Level Probe, and provide an analog signal that is proportional to the level. The LPC420R shall provide 10 relay outputs with contacts that close as the liquid covers the respective Level Probe electrodes.
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